Breakfast · Chutney · Tomatoes

Tomato Onion Chutney

This chutney I had prepared sometime back to accompany dosa’s along with the coconut chutney i usually prepare. I prepare a lot of different type of dosas at home, so I always try to prepare different chutney to pair with it. This has a lovely tang taste to it coz of the tomatoes and has  a lovely flavour as well. Do try this version as it and it surely will be a regular feature in your menu.

Tomato Onion Chutney

Recipe Source : Raks Kitchen


Onion 1

Tomatoes 2

R.chillies 4

Chana Dal 1 tbsp

Coconut Grated 2 tbsp

Oil 2 tsp

Salt to taste

For Tempering

Oil 1 tsp

Mustard Seeds 1 tsp

Urad Dal 1 tsp

Curry leaves 5 leaves

Dry Red Chilli 1


Chop Onion and Tomatoes into big pieces.

Heat oil in a pan, Add chana dal and saute till light brown, then add red chillies and fry them till it turns a bit dark in color.

Set aside.

In the same pan, add the onions and tomatoes and saute them nicely till the tomatoes turns soft.

Cool and blend to a paste along with the chana dal, r.chillies, grated coconut and salt.

Add little spoonfuls of water to get into a smoother consistency.

Transfer to a serving bowl.

Prepare the tempering with the ingredients mentioned and pour over the chutney.

Serve with Idli or Dosa of your choice.

Would love to know what are the different type of chutneys you prepare  for idli’s and Dosa’s?

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