
Garlic Bread And A Cheesy Dip…..The Domino’s Way

Having pizza is a  ritual me and sakshi follow every month. She being just 4 yrs old loves her pizza’s and i am the same as well. We both make it a point to visit the pizza hut outlet at least once in a month.It all started this year when the school’s started and i took her for a pizza party as a celebration for another year in school, and she loved it there and always used to ask me to take her there again. So once in a month i go to pick her up from school and we both have a pizza afterwards. Love the mother daughter time we have there and have a happy eating as well.

Today’s post is not about pizza but it is about the garlic bread we order along with the pizza. As simran even i love the pizza’s of pizza hut but not a great fan of their garlic bread but i love the garlic bread of Domino’s even though their pizza’s are sometimes ok ok. So when i saw this post of hers i wanted to give it a try as well.

Garlic Bread


 For Garlic Bread

All purpose flour 11/2 cup

yeast 1/2 tsp

warm water 1/2 cup+ 3tbsp

Salt to taste

Grated garlic 5 cloves

Olive oil 3 tbsp

Italian Seasoning 2tbsp

Chilli Flakes 1 tsp

B.pepper 1/2 tsp

For Cheesy Dip

1 tsp butter

1 tsp maida

1/2 cup milk

1 tbsp Cheese spread

 3 cheese slices

salt to tast


Chilli flakes

(Ready to go in the oven)


Prepare Garlic Bread

Heat water till warm and add yeast to it.

Let the yeast proof for 5 mins till you see a frothy mixture.

Add 1 cup flour to it and mix nicely with a laddle.

Rest this batter for 45 mins till it doubles.

Add the remaining flour,3 cloves garlic grated and salt and mix nicely.

At this stage i had to add couple of tbsp of water to get the dough together.

Knead it nicely and transfer to a floured counter space and knead the dough for the 8-10 mins till the dough is smooth and springy.

The dough will be a bit sticky so i had to spread some oil in my hands to get the dough together.

Let the dough double again which can take from 1 hr or more.

Preheat the oven at 200c

Transfer the dough again on floored counter space and slightly roll it into a rectangle shape.

Brush with oilive oil and be generous with this and sprinkle the seasoning and spread the remaining grated garlic.

Make vertical strips with the help of pizza cutter or knife

Transfer it to a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 15 mins.

Have it fresh out of the oven.

(Fresh out from the oven)

Prepare Cheesy Dip

Heat butter in an pan and add maida.

Saute on a low flame for 30 seconds, take off the flame and add milk and whisk nicely.

Cook till it comes to a boil and add slowly all the remaining ingredients.

Whisk the mixture continually.

Serve it with the hot garlic bread and have fun eating.


You can use dried garlic powder as simran used.

I grilled the bread for the last 2-3 mins to get a nice brown on the top.

47 thoughts on “Garlic Bread And A Cheesy Dip…..The Domino’s Way

  1. That looks just like the bought one!! If you live in India, could you please tell me where you buy yeast?? I stay in Mumbai and I can’t find a shop that sells it….

      1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This totally made my day, can’t even tell how happy I am. It’s so hard for me to get around in Mumbai with these things… Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi
    I’d made some garlic bread, & liked it fine, & it was a hit with z neighbourhood kids too…
    But my fussy hubby wanted “Cheesy Dip” to go with!
    Your reicpe post is a very lucky find for me!
    & your blog design is nice – girly yet no-frills neat!

  3. the problem when i make breads is dat the yeast tends to leave a pecular smell..plus i dnt really knw if the yeast(after being left for 5 min) works well with the bread..

    1. Which brand of yeast u use vishalka…in the start even i was very bad at baking…i use Eagle brand which comes in a sachet…not the box one that is just horrible….try the ones which comes in a sachet that is a china brand i think…U have to proof the yeast in warm water with sugar for 5 mins, if after 5 mind change the yeast has nor proofed then chunk that out and try to use a diff brand.

    1. Hey Minnu, Not very sure about the settings as i dont use a microwave…but if u have the convention settings in the microwave, u can try using that…with the same settings i think…

  4. ‘Ello love,
    my garlic bread did not rise, what was the fault? PLEASE HELP!!!!! FAST!!! 🙂
    thanks, love xx

      1. hey…thanks a lot for the recipe…tried making it today…i think it came out ok for a first time baker…but the crust was too hard…any suggestions??

      2. Hey Shika,

        Gad that you tried making it, For the crust did you knead the dough for sometime and you have to bake on a higher temparature, in my oven anything above 180 is v v hot so i hardly go above 180…Also did u cover the dough while it was raising….any of these could be the reason for it….also u have to be generous in the use of olive oil…

      1. hi..
        is kneading the dough for the bread similar to the way we knead wheat flour for chapatis??

      2. I cannot say it is completely similar but a bit…you can Google online and you can have a look at the various videos for bread baking.Here in breads we need to knead the dough a lot say a min of 8-10 mins…..

    1. Thanx Deep, Hv tried the Stuffed version as well, will update the recipe very soon, The dough needs to be the same. u can just stuff with your choice of filling, I had tried with corn, cheese and Ccapsicum

  5. This looks like the perfect substitute to the dominos one.Definitely trying this. 😀 Which brand of cheese spread and slices did you use for the dip?

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